About Emergency Vectorcardiography
(extract from the
preface of Emergency Vectorcardiography)Teacher
Rarely, Dr. is interested in doing emergency studies of
vectorcardiogram. Therefore, there is lack of information and materials for the trainee
except the group which has connection with Professor Alberto Benchimol. Further, most
vectorcardiographic investigators are reluctant to mention who is their teacher. Indeed,
as Dr. Edenbrandt clearly pointed out that " . . . Experienced vectorcardiographic
interpreters are scarce." (J Electrocardiol 1995; 28: 169) Therefore, readers do not
know whether the teacher can interpret emergency vectorcardiogram. It is to my own
experience that the research funding is not easy to get due to lack of experienced board
members within the committee to grant a research grant.
Researcher background and attitude
Owing to the lack of teachers and emergency teaching material), Dr. and
Ph D would like to use summated X,Y,Z, orthogonal electrocardiogram to do the study. They
can detour the detailed vectorcardiographic interpretation process and call the Frank
orthogonal electrocardiogram wrongly as 'vectorcardiogram'. Further, Ph D researchers have
been barred from the Emergency Service Coronary Care Unit, or Intensive Care Unit due to
no medical qualifications. Therefore, most of the works are less interesting for the
clinician. Do not feel surprised that the Cardiologists responsible for emergencies 'out
of touch'. The Drs are either too busy in clinical work or struggling for research grants.
Therefore, they do have time for 24 hours on call for the emergency study. They will ask
technicians or electrocardiographers for vectorcardiogram . This attitude absolutely
betrays the orthodox attitude (Br Heart J 1987;58:552) of medical research. Indeed, this kind
of investigator may have 1,000 published papers, but none of it produced by himself. Dr.
Lawrence Peter will classify this as having 'pseudo-achievement syndrome'*. The variation
of lead placement of the scalar electrocardiogram by technicians or electrocardiographers
can seriously influence their results as shown in the literature. In fact, through my own
observation while I was in the Oxford University, Professor Peter Sleight in the Cardiac
Department was still putting arterial lines by himself for his hypertension studies. This
proved to me what is the orthodox attitude of the medical research.
Reviewer background
Due to lack of teachers and emergency materials, my own experience is
most reviewers do not know how to interpret emergency vectorcardiogram. They usually
depend on technicians to supply them tracings. The pressure for quick and many
publications in order to climb the ladder of medical hierarchy prevents them from going to
the Coronary Care Unit, Intensive Care unit or Emergency Service to record tracings by
their own hands. Therefore, mostly they only depend on literature and their own
imagination to write down their comments.
False believing
The frequently cited old research (Am J Cardiol 19( 17: 829-878 ) that
the vectorcardiogram is less useful had numerous problems (e.g. a time lags between
vectorcardiogram and other examinations like autopsies were unacceptably long). The same
article will never published by the standard of the same journal today
Students in the medical school are taught to respond to their teachers
in a reflex manner like in the ward round. However, smart students soon learned that if
they questioned their teachers about what they have learned might influence the score he
or she will get. This would have tremendous influence on his future as a 'professional
processionary puppet'** in the medical field. Therefore, students just take his teacher's
comments as truth.
Improper method to correlate with the vectorcardiogram
The old literature has always use coronary angiogram and ventriculogram
as standard to correlate with the vectorcardiogram. Coronary anatomy imaged by
"lumenography" and visually assessed is an imprecise standard for the
development of myocardial ischaemia. Angiographic anatomy is only indirectly related to
the ischaemic event, and no absolute percentage of the coronary artery stenosis will
produce myocardial ischaemia had been established in the literature. Old studies
classified stunned or hibernating myocardium, reversible ischaemia, or conduction
disturbance as myocardial infarction while assessing wall motion abnormalities of
ventriculogram. Further, ventriculogram lacks horizontal plane to compare with the
vectorcardiogram. This is not so now due to the 3-dimensional vectorcardiogram had newly
available 3-dimensional techniques like Single-Photon Emission computed Tomogram, Magnetic
Resonance Imaging . . . etc. One has also proposed the unification of presentation with
the vectorcardiogram in a book - Emergency Vectorcardiography.
Insurance organizations
Usually insurance organizations will follow the medical literature to
form their policy. However, once they have formed the policy, it will influence Drs
practicing medicine, especially in an insurance refund policy oriented medical system.
Personally I agree with Dr. Nancy Dickey mentioned from the American Medical Association
to the News that "If we don't do something to change the fiscal policy of Medicare .
. . instead of turning to the insurance companies and saying 'we're sorry', we'll be
turning to the elderly and saying 'we're sorry!" on 4th December, 1996.
Computer interpretation
Several groups in Europe and America are using digital recording and
processing of the Frank X, Y, Z orthogonal electrocardiogram for clinical and research
purposes. However, I wish to quote Professor Benchimol's comments about computer
interpretation (Am J Cardiol 1975; 36: 76) that " ....Visual inspection of the P, QRS
and T loops is still desirable for definitive interpretation of the vectorcardiogram in
the individual case Superficial and completely qualitative examination of either the X,Y,
Z, leads or vector loops is to be condemned and has been a pitfall. Careful
attention should be directed to the magnitude, duration, rotation and orientation of the
critical initial and maximal deflection vectors before diagnostic conclusions are reached.
Such analysis permits maximal utilization of information contained in planar loop
projections and precludes major individual interpretive variation, which has been
documented in the past (Am J Cardiol 1966; 17: 829). Visual inspection or measurement and
computer analysis are in no way mutually exclusive, and both techniques in combination are
useful for clinical application and research purposes." Further, Lebowitz et al
(Chest 1986 89: 78) found that hand measurements are more accurate, mostly because of
angle and length determinations being affected by shifts in the loop; pattern recognition
without computer appears to be more consistent as well.
Computer software and hardware
Three-dimensional vectorcardiography was developed too early without any comparable
three-dimensional methods to understand its meaning. Previously, there were no powerful
computers available. The time has finally come in favour of three-dimensional presentation
of the cardiac electrical activity. This is because escalating speed in developing more
powerful centre processing unit in the computer hardware. Further, powerful
three-dimensional software is already available in the market with reasonable price, e.g.:
3D Studio Max, True Space, Electrical Image, Extreme 3D, Lightwave 3D, Soft Image ....,
In fact, to my own experience the vectorcardiogram is less useful during
chronic stages of heart diseases. Its real stage should be Emergency Service, Coronary
Care Unit, and Intensive Care Unit. I wish to thank my colleagues in the teaching
hospitals in Europe, North America, and Far East for them pressing me for the emergency
vectorcardiographic diagnosis.
* Peter LJ. The Peter Principle. New York, William Morrow & Co.
** Peter LJ. The Peter Prescription. New York, William Morrow & Co. 1972.
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